Evasion makes it easier but this can be done by any class, with good twitch skills. Once you make it, wait for door to close before taking the Horn of Agility to prevent a condition where you are trapped. The second person enters, must run through 2 rooms filled with traps, and pass the door in the second room before the white light goes out. One person should stay outside and pull the lever. If possible disarm the traps, fetch the Horn of Cunning and leave through east exit.Place the crest in the eastern socket.The northern socket can be used through the wall.If you haven't placed the crest in the western socket, do it now.Go past the now open K door and have the K valve used again.Go past the next K door and have the K valve used.Check if you have the crest for the western socket.Get back out and have the I valve used.Have one stand at the I valve and go past the northern I door.This works with any regular party or with a hireling.Be careful here, as the floor will collapse when you pick up the horn, potentially dropping you into a pit filled with deadly traps. The three crests are randomly distributed at the three locations and so are the sockets. The Horn of Cunning is in the central room, you will need to find 3 crests ( Bat, Scorpion and Snake) and put them in sockets in order to open the gates. If you kill the pesky Gnoll Archers when in the lower maze most of them will be replaced by Gnoll Casters (Windlasher Elementalists). This is made worse by the mobs on top of the walls tossing spells down at you. Test of Cunning: This is a very confusing maze with three valves controlling doors.If you fail, the key will still be on the treasure, forcing you to take the curse to get a hold on the key. If you succeed, the gnolls guarding the Horn of Endurance will drop the key once defeated. Daggertooth, can then be tricked via Bluff to tell his gnolls to check the cursed treasure that holds the Gold Key.An Intimidate check grants you information on a cursed treasure in the underwater tunnel. Gorn Gut-Chewer (orc) can be tricked to take Daggertooth's map, forcing his army to misstep and drop all the false floor in the path after the test of agility.If you fail, you have to fight them both in the arena. If you succeed, you'll find Harza beaten up by the test of instinct. Vrall the Fearless (hobgoblin) also requires Diplomacy to convince him that the hobgoblins don't need two leaders.

This map is false and will send you through a false path after the test of agility, dropping you to your death.

(Optional) Give the sabotaged map to Gorn Gut-Chewer - no XP.(Optional) Get the sabotaged map from Daggertooth - no XP.(Optional) Convince Vrall the Fearless to betray Harza Ghost-Waker - no XP.Speak to Jorgundal about joining the Storm's Fist Horde.Defeat the Storm's Fist champions in the Arena.Speak to the champions, then return to Jorgundal.Speak to Jorgundal, commander of the Storm's Fist.Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!