Sweet broom weed leaves initially taste bitter, but then turns sweet like liquorice. The leaves are said to have a cooling effect. They are used in treatment of a variety of illnesses like wounds, ear pain, tooth ache, stomach pain, vomiting, dysentery, jaundice, warts, fever, kidney stones, nausea, dizziness, ulcers, eczema, bruises. Though it is considered an invasive weed, it has many medicinal uses in Ayurveda and herbal medicine. They are seen in warm, tropical weather and good sunlight commonly seen in Africa and India. Sweet broom weeds grow well in all kinds of soil, be it nutrient deficient or nutrient rich. The seedpods are initially green, later turning brown as they mature. These flowers then form rounded seedpods having a single seed inside. Stamens are numerous and style is distinct. Sweet broom weed flowers have green sepals and distinct white petals that are 3-5 mm long. Flower buds are small and rounded, with a long stalk. Small white flowers arise from the axils, the angle between the stem and the leaves. These leaves are arranged opposite to each other, or in whorls around the stem. They have simple green leaves, about 4-5cms long with a very short petiole, and is toothed around the edges. It’s an evergreen annual herb, with a green, branched stem.

One of the most common weeds seen in backyards, gardens, roadsides and riversides in Kerala, Sweet broom weed has many medicinal uses. Common name: Sweet broom weed, Licorice weed, Goatweed, Scoparia weed, Sweet-broom, Kallurukki, Riceweed