I approached making these sounds from the perspective of pure sound design and letting my creative juices flow. This classic and renowned selection of musical tools unfolds more than ten years of legacy within electronic music. The REAKTOR Factory Library comes with more than 70 pre-built Ensembles, ranging from synthesizers and effects to grooveboxes and sequencers.
After spending most of my career doing video game audio at Rockstar Games, it was really fun to come full circle and revisit my beginnings as a professional sound designer. 1 Welcome to the REAKTOR Factory Library. Get Tons of FREE REAKTOR Instruments & Effects The REAKTOR User Library BenoniStudio 46.3K subscribers Subscribe 13K views 4 years ago SUBSCRIBELIKE/DISLIKE Get tons of FREE instruments. Metaphysical Function is one of the first professional sound design projects I worked on. New features include the ability to play the Resochord like a musical instrument via MIDI note input, providing faster and engaging control of each comb filter’s pitch the ability to create chord progressions, with the Resochord via Metaphysical Function’s slider automation or via MIDI note input Oscillator trim Stereo input toggle Sample vs Input crossfade Pitch bend and Mod Wheel control and re-triggering of Sampler and Slider Automation via MIDI note input. 1 2 3 Next IseyGarfield Reaktor 6 is awesome by IseyGarfield Fri 11:43 am Just wanted to say - as someone who spent over 3,000 on analog modular gear, I found Reaktor 6 to be even better and ended up selling it all. 52 new snapshots, 30 new samples, and new features by one of Metaphysical Function’s original sound designers.